On saturday, Evan had his birthday party! He turned 6 on monday or tuesday last week, but he had his party at the church on Saturday so all his church friends could come. And not being ones to turn down a good party, me and Rusty headed on over.Just about all the church kids came and it was a good bunch of faces. Everyone was so excited for Evan. Even the littlest ones.
They played lots of balloon games and never seemed to run out of energy.
We also played Musical chairs. After the kids, we had the adults play too.
I forgot to throw these up, so here you go.
Most saturdays at the Koinonia Klub, we play monopoly with whatever kids show up.
We only have one girl who comes, her name is Haruna.
We both went bankrupt pretty early, so we spent the rest of the night doodling. Here are some of our compilation creations. ^ note the Balloon. Rusty made it into the masterpiece. Oh and there you go, get an eyeful of my japanese handwriting and spelling hahah. Haruna said it was legible and the spelling at least somewhat comprehensive. *phew* My kanji on the other hand....well, lets just say i made the attempt that it woudnt make it into the pictures to well.
This one is all Haruna. She drew a picture of me
Labels: draw, missionary, Tokyo
On Monday, Jiai and I took the girls group out ice skating in Higashi Fushimi! We got our ice legs and before we knew it we where skating like the pros (minus all the jumping and fastness...)
I had Tinker-Bell
Angel had Bell
Brittney had Arel (do i see a theme?)
And Jiai had Jasmine. She really got into the part.
Praise the Lord!
Labels: higashi fushimi, ice skating, Tokyo
"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"
Be encouraged and know that the Lord desires only good for us. We where blessed with a Heater/AC unit!!!
We don't know who provided for us to have this, but the Lord does and we are making sure to praise Him for it! We've had some chilly nights here in Japan, but God knows our needs.
Praise the Lord for his provision!
We got everything installed on Saturday (within an hour! those guys are fast!!) and had a nice and warm nights rest.
-The Spearmans
Labels: january, japan, missionary, Tokyo
Well guys, looking back its just short of a month, so here's whats been going on with the Spearmans.
We're back in full swing at the Preschool in Fuchu. We thought you might like to take a peek at some of the faces.
Also, the morning class is much different than these older kids (not older by much) so i would like to introduce you to just a few of our morning crew. We see most of these kids 2-3 times a week (some every weekday) from 9am untill 2:30. We have a blast!
We had Sukiyaki. My first time eating raw eggs!
This group is from the video game Final Fantasy 10.