Hey everyone, wanted to let you know that we've arrived safely in Meridian, Idaho and are almost done adjusting to the time zone!
The Lord completely blessed our travels, thank you for your prayers.
First, that God gave us favor with Adelle's visa - we got her a re-entry permit right at the airport!
Second, that the flights were all quick and easy.
Third, Adelle did not cry a single time on any of the three flights!
We are currently looking at serving at a local Calvary Chapel, Calvary Chapel Meridian. Please be with us in prayer for which direction the Lord would have me to serve there.
I hope to get some pictures up soon!
神様が アメリカにかえるように導いてくださいました。 8月31日に発ちます。 主が引き続き、私たちを導いてくださるように お祈りください。 神様が ミニストリーのビジョンも与えてくださるように。
Hey I just wanted to let everyone know that the Lord is leading us back to America for now. We'll be getting home in Idaho on the 31st. Please pray that the Lord will continue to lead and guide us and give us vision for ministry in Idaho.
Thank you everyone so much for your continued prayers and support!
I hope to continue to update my blog for any followers who want to know what we're up to!

P.S. Sorry Adelle didn't look happy :D
(Pictures Below)
Hey everyone! Sorry for the long pause in updates!
Things are going very well here. We just moved over to Fuchu to be in ministry with Pastor Rich (Calvary Chapel Fuchu and We Go Eigo Fuchu).
The move itself was a blessing. The Lord is completely taking care of us and both Pastor Travis and Rich have been helping us along the entire way, and everyone in between as well! We moved on Saturday, Feb 26th. We started at about 9:30 am, and including a drive that probably took well over an hour, finished completely at 12:50. It was incredibly fast, no one got hurt, nothing was broken and everyone was such a blessing. Thinking of everyone who helped, Rich and Candice, Michael, Logan, Peter, Kenta, Keichi, Mr. Toyota, Mr. and Mrs Miwa, Yuki (their son), and Aki too! (I don't think I forgot anyone...)
We had a lot of help and were incredibly blessed. Thank you for lifting up in prayers.
Things on my heart:
Spurgeon talks of that as we grieve for the souls of others, our many selfish grievances become less and less significant. Simply that I may win more to Christ through my life. Few people are moved by a selfish spirit, but those who live like Christ, that's what it's all about.
To quote Pastor Chuck (talking of idols), "But tragically, a man becomes like his god. If your god is a dumb stupid little idol, you are becoming like your god...You see, you have two things. You have one, a man making his god less than himself, and becoming like his god. That's why idolatry is always a debasing, degrading experience."
This to contrast our God, "But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him (Hab 2:20)." The life lived unto one's self is a life filled with endless unsatisfaction, whereas, "The just shall live by faith." Hab 2:4
Please keep us and the ministry in prayers.
We have a lot of events/dates to keep in mind that are coming up, a lot that I don't even have written down on my own calendar yet:
-March 5th, Jr. High and High School night at CC Fuchu
-March 11th, internet guys come to get us some internet juice!
-Marth 12th, We Go Eigo Fuchu bowling at Round 1 - opening night, please pray we can reserve!!
-March 16th, Amber's mom and brother arrive to have some vacation with us!
-March 18th, Spring Vacation starts
-March 19th, Dig Down Deep with CCFuchu as we dig out dirt and rocks from the parking lot to replace it with good soil and grass!
-April 29th,30th Calvary Chapel Japan conference, if I'm not mistaken, don't quote me on this one. ;), seriously.
-May 1st, CCFuchu new building dedication, Please pray that the Lord would reveal Himself to the many who do not yet know Him that will attend!
Thank you so much for all of your prayers! Amber had the baby safely and they are resting at the mid-wife's still. I'll post back later for more update, I have some photos for everyone!
(Note: Blogger wouldn't let me upload more photos, working on it now)
(Update 2: It seems that at this time, Blogger will not allow me to upload any photos at all, not even on a new post. However, I do have all of the pictures I was going to post up on my facebook. My FB is Russell Spearman - Should have a picture of me, Adelle and Amber :) )

Yep, there's a lot of new things that are going to be happening in these winter months!
First up is going to be....Our baby~! That's right, this month, our baby [Secret Name here], will be coming soon. As of this morning, Amber has gone off of the Pre-mature birth safety medicine. Also as of today, even if the baby is still early (Technically due on Christmas Eve), she can now safely deliver at the mid-wife's place. Praise the Lord, really. He has really taken care of Amber and the baby through the pregnancy. There was more than one complication that the Lord just took care of.
There's a lot of events going on with Christmas, parties and plays and the such. There's a lot of fun to be had, and also a lot of work, so please be with us in prayer that everything would roll out just fine.
One other thing I'd like to ask prayer for is that the Lord would guide and lead us concerning moving. We're likely to move in January to Fuchu, so that I can be close to the pre-school that I work/minister in. This would cut about 3 hours of commuting out of my day, which would help a lot with just relaxing and family time.
Please pray that the Lord would give us favor with all things moving considered. That we would be able to find goodness in the new place and favor with those who we are moving from. Thank you, we'll keep you all posted with the baby and the move!
Don't forget to add us on facebook,
Russell Spearman and Amber Spearman.
Well guys, only one more day left in November.
I don't have any pictures to share with you, just a quick disclaimer.
We are approaching the 37th week of the pregnancy and that means we are entering into the safe zone for birth. The doctors where a bit concerned about a month ago, that I would go into labor sometime in November so they put me onto a medication to tell me to relax. Its worked but once the 37th week rolls around the doctors had no fears and its perfectly safe to have your baby so I will be discontinuing my medication.
So we will see what happens. She could decide to make her way onto the scene only hours after I stop the medication or she could push past her due date. Officially she is scheduled to be born December 24th, Christmas Eve. But at this point, I think it's anybody's guess.
So, with that in mind, we may miss or postpone our December update.
Once we're home and settled, of course pictures and an update will come, so stay tuned for that.
November is here and its about time to get you guys up to speed!
We have been having a blessed month as the weather is now much cooler and we can almost taste Christmas around the corner! Ive already been around to the stores to see what kind of christmas decorations are available and will soon begin to make some good ol' homemade decorations to go up with our tree the first week of December.
We also had some visitors this last week! Our friends Tommy Ruiz and Eder Diaz stopped in for the annual Calvary Chapel Pastors Conference from Okinawa! I was blessed with the time I got to spend with them and I heard the time up at camp was a blessing for all the guys. Their text was Philippians and the topic was joy. I am planning on studying Rusty's notes from the sessions starting this week.
Also, during the first week here the church held a baby shower for us!! We really had a good time and good fellowship. Our military families hosted the event on base, so it was exciting for us all to go to "America" for the day. We played silly games and of course had a bite or two to eat!
We are truly grateful for all the gifts and support we have received. Ive included pictures at the end of this post but they are so packed full of baby stuff you might have a hard time even seeing what we got! Its just a mass of pink and white cuteness!!
We often thought of having children but always firgured it will still be in the distant future, and we often thought "How would we even get all that baby 'stuff'?" and we should have known God would indeed provide for us. We thank you so very much for supporting us in this time of learning and depending on God.
Thank you.
The Diaper Cake!!

Labels: baby
Hey everyone, we're going to give everyone a late October/November update soon, but I wanted to introduce (as you can see at the top of our page for the weekend) Jamie Harris. He's my best friend and I wanted to link some of his new stuff he's been working on.
BY THE WAY: Amber did the graphics for Jamie ;)
Please keep in prayer:
Amber and the baby (the time is getting close!)
The men's conference coming up soon, should be a blast!
Tomorrow is the Harvest Festival alternative, Family Fun night at Fuchu!
Should be getting a few pictures too! :)
October is just about half way over now. Its begun to cool down significantly around here and we are really enjoying the Autumn nature. Here are a few snapshots from whats been happening this month!
We went almost over to chichibu, to Hanno and booked us a few cabins and fire pits at a prefecture campground. Kind of like a State Camp Ground back in America.
Most of the church was able to make it out and we really had a good time. It rained the first day, but after than we had a beautiful blue sky and even got to have a huge campfire.
The kids are already excited for next year and we just about have the campfire smell out of all of our clothes. All in all, it was a fantastic family camp.