Well every once and awhile it happens, we have to do laundry. I thought some of you may be wondering how we do it here in Okinawa! So here is a detailed, step-by-step picture demonstration!
First, we look for one of these guys! The sign says Coin Laundry, Bingo! (this one is our favorite so far, its a 2 min walk from the cafe!)
Then off we go with our biggest suitcase filled with dirty laundry. This is just the most efficient way of carrying it around. (notice how small this one is? Some are bigger, some are smaller!)
Alright, next is the washing machine! At this laundry station, its only 200円 for a full cycle! The machines are smaller than most American ones, but they also dont throw fits as often if you fill them very full, so it doesn't bother us much. ok....next!
And lastly, our amazing laundry soap! It may be small, but it gets everything super clean! This bottle costs aboooout 280円 and will last us alllllmost the whole semester! (and it smells great!)
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